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Customizing Lists Inside the Note

EMR All notes Open note Review of Systems and Physical Exam pages

The Review of Systems and Physical Exam sections of the EMR note allows you to customize the available options per item for ease of selection. 



  1. Open an EMR note and navigate to either  the Review of systems page or in the Physical exam page
  2. Click on any field box. A list of options will appear. 
  3. Click the CUSTOMIZE LIST button. A pop-up window will be displayed
  4. In the pop-up, type your desired option in the DESCRIPTION box and click ADD ENTRY.
  5. To modify an existing entry, select the description, click MODIFY, update the data, and click MODIFY ENTRY.
  6. To reorder the options, select an entry and click MOVE UP or MOVE DOWN.
  7. To mark an entry as a normal finding, select the entry and click MAKE NORMAL





Adding DISPOSITION In Assessment and Plan page 



  1. In the Assessment and Plan page, click the DISPOSITION box. You will see a list of contents. 
  2. Click the CUSTOMIZE LIST button. The list will be empty.
  3. Type your data in the DESCRIPTION box and click ADD ENTRY. 
  4. OContinue to add more entries. 
  5. To delete/modify the contents manually added, go back to the customized screen. Deleting all your entries will resume your default Disposition.