Bulk Sign and Co-Sign
Setup Requirement for Confidential Records
Users can now select multiple unsigned notes in Current Charts by clicking on the applicable checkboxes for each note. Additionally, you have the option to use the Select All feature for quicker selection. To display the accurate list of unsigned notes, ensure the following filters are selected:
a. Employee must be set to Self.
b. The ASSOCIATED radio button must be selected.
c. Note Status must be set to Unsigned.
Simultaneously Sign Patient Notes
Search for the applicable patient notes in EMR > Current Charts > enter applicable search criteria, and then click Search.
1. In the Current Charts page, review the lists of patient notes in the Chart List, select the appicable check boxes of the patient notes that you want to sign.
2. Click Sign Notes.
3. If the Alert Warning is enabled for missing diagnosis codes, billable CPT codes, or time documentation, a system alert message will be displayed. This message will show the number of notes with missing elements and give you the option to proceed with the action or cancel.
4. If Stop Note Signing is enabled, the checkboxes for notes with missing elements will be disabled.
5. Once you confirm the bulk sign action, the system will reload the provider’s list to display the updated status of the notes. All bulk sign and co-sign actions are logged with detailed audit trails in Clinical Logs, including the provider ID, timestamp, and list of notes signed/cosigned.
Simultaneously Co-Sign Patient Notes
Search for the applicable patient notes in EMR > Current Charts > enter applicable search criteria, and then click Search.
1. In the Current Charts page, review the lists of patient notes in the Chart List, select the appicable check boxes of the patient notes that you want to sign.
2. Click Co-Sign Notes.
3. A prompt displaying the number of notes selected and the action to be taken (cosign) will appear requesting you to confirm the bulk co-sign action.
4. After a successful bulk cosigning, the system reloads the provider’s list to display the updated status of the notes.
Bulk cosign actions are logged with detailed audit trails in Clinical Logs, including the provider ID, timestamp, and list of notes signed/cosigned.
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