Click on Preferences tab from anywhere within the WRS application.
Each user has their own set of system preferences. These can be setup by going to the Preferences dropdown.
My Account Info
This area will show an overview of the user’s personal account, including General User Details, Permission and
Restrictions. This is where a user can update his/her username and/or password if needed.
My Location
This area will allow a user to change locations without the need to log in/out of the system.
EMR Preferences
This area will allow a user to designate EMR preferences such as EMR Section Navigation and Default Note (*more tailored to a provider).
Scheduler Preferences
This area will be able to setup their Scheduler View Preferences, as well as Today’s Appointment List Filters. (*More tailored to a front desk/admin user)
Theme Settings
This area will allow a user to enter ‘BETA’ mode to use an IPAD/Tablet. True=Enabled | False = Disabled
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