WRS previously announced the release of Telehealth functionality to assist providers in conducting remote patient encounters during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Please complete the Telemedicine Signup Form to enable functionality for your practice immediately, or review previous Release Notes HERE to learn more.

We are pleased to now also offer functionality that allows your patient to indicate their Review of Systems (ROS) directly as part of their check-in process, by using the WRS Health Check-In module.

Review of Systems (ROS) Check-In Module

WRS Health is implementing functionality that allows your patient to indicate their Review of Systems (ROS) directly as part of their check-in process and using the WRS Health Check-In module. The ROS bullet-points will be associated based on your specialty, and once the patient
has indicated positive/negative responses, those responses will reflect in your note. This allows you to spend less time on documentation, and more time focusing on the needs of your patients.

This functionality is very pertinent to the current needs of Telehealth Medicine concepts, and can be continued in your workflow, once you get back to the everyday patient-facing encounters.

From the check-in module, patients will be presented with a series of specialty specific ROS:

They can select “No To All” per segment, and as applicable:

They can select each response individually and per bullet-point:

Specialty Specific Note Types

Specialty specific notes have been created and are now available in your note-type libraries. Each offers the “New ROS” page where those responses from the check-in module will auto-load into the ROS page and indicators. Providers and their staff that work in the note documentation
process are advised to add this note to their “easy access” dropdown, available in all note types. Use the “CUSTOMIZE” option to open the library:

Select the note type that is specified by the “X” identifier. This note will have the appropriate ROS page that connects with the check-in module. This functionality will not work in any other ROS area:

ROS Patient Entry

The ROS bullet-points indicated by your patient, through the check-in module will auto-load into the appropriate systems:

You still have the ability to add/modify/delete those responses within the body of the ROS template:

ROS Settings

For those “established” and follow-up appointments, which are based on your ROS SETTINGS (ADMINISTRATION>EMR SETUP>ROS SETUP), during the check-in process, your patients will be presented with a review of their ROS and as indicated in the last encounter.

The patients then have the ability to address those ROS as “Resolved”, “Improved”, “Unchanged” or “Worse”.

The updated ROS status will appear in your note and as indicated.

The library of “CI” (check-in) note types have very defined pages (HPI, New ROS, History/Habits, Exam, etc.). These notes cannot be modified or new “practice specific” notes created, at this time. However, the practices/providers can continue to use their current default note types with both Telehealth and the Check-In Modules, understanding those notes may be in a different format and may have additional pages or exam points. The ROS from the check-in module will not populate these notes, but you can continue to use them for your best documentation needs.

If you will not be using the “New-ROS” functionality, to ensure that the ROS is not included in the check-in process, you can disable this area and continue to use your current workflow and note types. This can be done by going to administration>system settings>practice settings>disable: patient checkin module-review of systems

For practices/providers that will continue to use the “CI” notes, as is, and the ROS application to that note; there is not an option to customize any content in the “New ROS” page, as it will not be captured into the Check-In module

Optional Setup Steps

There are settings that allow practices to further customize how the New-ROS carry-over is applied to their patients and based on visit type and interval of time between visits. Once the ROS CARRYOVER has been enabled, it will open the settings for “New ROS RESET Conditions”.
These settings, once applied, will reset that New ROS carryover, and the Check-In module will show the patient the entire ROS with no prior indication. If enabled, the settings will apply to all appointments scheduled as NEW (regardless of the time since the last encounter), OR any other scheduled appointment types, based on parameters you can select as weeks or months.

Once enabled, the page will show the settings, which are applicable at practice level.