Re-Designed Medications Page

WRS Health is pleased to announce the July 30, 2021 release of our re-designed Medications Page. This release is in compliance with migration to the National Council of Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) SCRIPT Standard v2017071.

The re-designed “Medications Page” has a more streamlined look with “Current Medications”,

“Patient Reported Medications”, and “Previous Prescriptions” displayed in the right-hand side. All other tabs are on the left-hand side. “Get Eligibility and Drug History” and “Medication Transactions” buttons are at the bottom of the screen.

Add Prescription / Medication Page View

We have also changed the layout of the “Add Prescription / Medication” Page for a more compact look. “Qualifier” has been renamed to “Unit of Measure” in compliance with SureScripts. Adding an ICD code will also trigger a Secondary ICD Code box to appear in case a user needs to add another

Retail Pharmacy Search View

Pharmacy Type – When doing a “Pharmacy Search”, users can now filter results by “Retail”, “Mail Order” and “Specialty Pharmacy”. “Specialty Pharmacy” focuses on high cost, high touch medication therapy for patients with complex disease states. All services offered by the pharmacy will be

Prescription Preview page

The “Prescription Details” preview page details were rearranged and now displays “Schedule Level” and “Vital Signs” information.