We are proud to bring you the Patient Comments for Scheduling feature. This enhancement allows you to input comments directly into the patient’s chart, which are then displayed during the scheduling process. This ensures that the scheduling staff has immediate access to critical, patient-specific instructions and conditions, enhancing communication and streamlining your workflow.


Enable Patient Comments for Scheduling

To view scheduling comments on the patient’s Scheduler, it is necessary to select the correct comment type when adding a comment for a patient. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. In Patient Management, select the applicable patient and then, select the Comments tab. 
  2. Click Add New
  3. In the Add Comment section, select Scheduling as the Comment Type.
  4. In the Comments box, enter the applicable information about the patient schedule that you want to show when someone books an appointment for the patient.
  5. The Show in Appointment Creation Dialog checkbox is automatically selected. This check box must be selected for the comment to appear in New Appointment.
    • To hide the comment from appearing during appointment scheduling, simply uncheck this checkbox. Click Submit

View Patient Comments for Scheduling

If any of the Comment Types and the Show in Appointment Creation Dialog checkboxes are selected in creating the comment, when creating a new appointment, the comment will now be displayed in the New Appointment window.

Regardless of the Comment Type selected, the practice user can now view critical comments associated with the patient for whom the appointment is created.

Note: To access comments from within the Available Time Search method of scheduling, select the post-it note next to the patient’s name