WRS previously announced the release of functionality to assist providers in conducting remote patient encounters, including the ability for patients to self-check in.

We are pleased to now also offer functionality that alerts you when the patient has self-checked in.

Addition of Yellow “Self-Check In” Step

WRS Health has implemented functionality that alerts you when the patient has self-checked in using the patient check in module.

Previously, when a patient would check in using the check in module, the patient’s name on the today’s appointment list would reflect red with a superscript number two next to the patient’s last name, signifying that they have checked in.

Due to high demand, we have added in a self-check in workflow step that will turn the patient’s name yellow with a number one superscript next to patient’s last name.

Once the patient enters the office, they can move to the check in step (step 2 of your workflow), turning their name red. Continue workflow as usual.