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WRS EMR Tabbed Browser Settings

In order to make charting even more efficient, tabbed browser functionality is available through the EMR Module. This allows the user to automatically launch parts of an EMR note into separate browser tabs or windows within Google Chrome. This eliminates the need to relaunch and reload particular parts of the note during an encounter

Google Chrome Settings

  • Select Settings → You and Google → Scroll to ‘on Startup’ Section
    • Select (check off): “Open the New Tab Page”

WRS Settings

  • In WRS under Preferences → EMR Preferences, select “open in new tab” and save

Additional Information

Note that the system will automatically open Medication, Orders/Procedures, and Assessment/Plan in a new window/tab. All other parts of a note can be opened in a new tab/window, as follows:

  • Mouse over the section of the note to be launched and Right Click
  • Select Open in NEW Tab/Window