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EPCS: Access Control Set Permission


After the successful token activation, you will be alerted that your token is on file and that you are enrolled to EPCS, but needs to be granted permission by an already enabled EPCS Provider or ancillary staff. The staff member with EPCS Access Permissions or an EPCS Enabled Provider must login to the system and go to ADMINISTRATION TAB > MEDICATION SETUP > EPCS ACCESS CONTROL


  1. The ancillary staff with EPCS Access permission or provider who is EPCS Enabled logs in to WRS, goes to Administration > Medication Setup > EPCS Access Control Tab.

  2. Check ALL boxes for the provider registering to EPCS. You may also need to check other ancillary staff who will be creating the prescriptions and providers who will be enrolling to EPCS as well.

  3. Select the provider with the token as the First User, and the ancillary staff or the EPCS enabled provider is selected as the Second User (this is the person who will be granting EPCS Permissions to the provider). Click Save.

  4. You will then get a prompt message stating that an email was sent to the second user email address on file with the final activation code (this only applies to the ancillary staff as the Second User). If the Second User is the EPCS enabled provider, they can bypass this step and proceed to entering the provider’s credentials in the Signoff page. Click on OK.

  5. Once you click on OK, another box will appear as an additional field under the Second user dropdown. Instruct the other user to check the automated email in their email account.


    If the second user doesn’t see the email, ask them to check the spam or junk folder as the email may have been misplaced there. If the additional user is currently not available and you have to navigate away from the screen, you will need to set it up the same way to enter the activation code when you have it. Selecting the appropriate checkboxes, and dispatching the code again. Access control codes are good for 24 hours.

  6. Once you have the code, enter it on the box below the Second User dropdown, and click Save again.

  7. The prescriber will then enter his Token Password and Security Code (generated from either the VIP Access App or the Key Fob) and hit Sign+Authorize.

  8. Successful authorization of the EPCS Access Control settings will result in an alert indicating that the setup has been completed. The final step is to logout and then log back in then, and you are now ready to write and send controlled substance prescriptions.

    Congratulations! You have completed the EPCS Setup and Registration. The provider may verify this by going back to Administration > Medication Setup > EPCS Access Control. Provider then proceeds back to Administration > Resource Management > Resource Setup > Provider’s Name > Electronic Routing. EPCS Enrolled and Enabled columns should be checked off in gray.


Here is a guide to each “permission” in the EPCS Access Control Module. Check off box or boxes per ancillary staff and providers as applicable:

  1. Has Validated Token: This column is read-only and indicates which users have a registered EPCS token.
  2. Access Control Manager: Designate at least two users who will be in charge of managing EPCS Access Control (who can edit this screen) (at least one user must be a Prescriber who has signed up for EPCS).
  3. Authorization Verifier: Select which Access Control Manager(s) will be in charge of verifying DEA registration and State Authorization(s) as needed. This user must sign off that they have verified each Prescriber allowed to sign as having current good standing controlled substance registrations. This user is legally responsible for continually verifying that Prescribers are in good standing and will immediately revoke privileges if:
    1. The Prescriber’s token or password is lost, stolen or compromised,
    2. DEA registration expires,
    3. DEA registration is revoked, terminated or suspended,
    4. No longer authorized e.g. leaves the practice.
  4. Can Approve EPCS Mark Rx as ready: Select which users are allowed to mark controlled substances “ready to sign”. Only users with full RX permissions and prescribers are allowed to mark EPCS prescriptions as approved.
  5. Can Sign and Send (Only Prescribers): Select which Prescribers are currently authorized to send EPCS prescriptions (if they have signed up for EPCS 2-Factor Credentials using the Signup in the Setup Menu).